ODDS Profit Centre Manager
Business and Predictive Analytics
“Putting the ODDS in your favour”
Powered by project ODDS 2.0
A glimpse into the Personal Life, of Alex
A likely story, and probably true
I was born at a very early age, need more be said.
A husband and father, to an incredible wife and two amazing boys; I am truly blessed.
A Christian family man, who thankfully found an innovative work family, at a home away from home.
A glimpse into the work life, of Alex
An unlikely story, and definitely true
A natural born leader, with an entrepreneurial flair and a passion to match.
I’m good at what I do, and do what I’m good at. I too love what I do, and do what I love; I am truly blessed.
ODDS Profit Centre Synopsys
CDA developed a unique Scoring Model designed for Business Sustainability that balances the interests of our Corporate Clients; favouring all by driving the best ROI for each Direct Marketing Initiative.
ODDS allows us to score each customer without infringing on their rights to Protection of Personal Information.
We manage the Underwriters’ expectations by delivering conversions and persistency while properly utilising the list owner’s data efficiently, by designing a recommended marketing strategy as tailor-made campaigns, ensuring the direct marketing channel’s responses make these campaigns profitable to all.
ODDS is a fast growing monster with such potential, the possibilities are endless and our dreams are boundless.
It’s an exciting opportunity that I’m privileged to head, and eager to feed.
CDA ž Leagues Ahead ž Pathing Industry Trends
Corporate Client Interests Summarised:
Underwriters Likelihood of collecting first premium
Likelihood of expected premium collections
List Owners Proper data utilisation
Direct Marketing Likelihood of client purchasing product (response ratio)
CDA Proper business sustainability for all
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